Our action in the ergonomic domain represents our the contribution to the concept of health promotion. It acts upon to ensure:
Primary Prevention: We will evaluate the situations that present a risk factor of the musculo-skeletal pathologies and we will propose to our ‘clients’, ergonomic tools for (Work, Sleep, Daily Life Activities) to manage the physiological structures of Bad Postures and will offer the compatible attitudes with Joint, Muscular & Energetic Economy’s.
This role is very important since it will allow our ‘Clients’ to avoid becoming our ‘Patients’ & prevent them from having such pathologies.
Secondary Prevention : it allows our ‘patients’, once the pathology is present or the accident has happened, to manage altered structures by proposing to them a variety or ergonomic products that are adapted to their situation.
The products that we offer concerns:
Workplace (chair, desk, computer, reading, drawing, kitchen,…etc), Sitting Position, Sleeping, Daily life activities performance, Environment,lighting & Air conditioning.
These products are subscribed in the conduction of our process in terms of health promotion, pathology prevention and relapse-risk prevention after a first pathological episode.