Isokinetism & Multiple Sclerosis

In central neurology, particularly for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, regular muscular strengthening allows to maintain or even improve their functional level. In this situation, the isokinetic strengthening seems relevant. After an evaluation allowing to objectivise the patients deficits, a protocol of reeducation is decided within the team. Three protocoles are identified. The first one takes care of the recurvatum of the knee, the second allows an intensification of quadriceps and third one the specific of hip flexors. This isokinetic reeducation associated with a standard multidisciplinary approach shows an important functional interest including: transf er, climb and descent of staircases, improvements of gait (speed, quality and endurance). However, it seems important and necessary to revew this reeducation according to the evolution of the disease.
Level of evidence: expert opinion.